在一个&移动商务, your living experience goes beyond the ordinary – it’s about creating a home that fuels your academic journey. We pride ourselves on offering more than just a place to stay; we provide an environment where personal growth and learning intertwine.
住宿生活与学习 (RLL) is an integral part of the University experience; creating safe, 支持, 欢迎促进个人和学术成长的社区.
Information provided in this handbook is for the benefit of the community and residents of A&移动商务住宅生活和学习. Residents are encouraged to make campus their home away from home and to live in community with other students. 以促进社区的发展和合作, all community members share responsibility and accountability for knowledge and adherence to policies and procedures.
居民们被鼓励个性化,使他们的房间成为“家外之家”.” Please keep in mind that you will be rooming with another student and space is limited. 建议携带的物品有:
- 床上用品(床垫套、床单、枕头、被子)
- 毛巾和毛巾
- 淋浴童,淋浴鞋/人字拖
- 盥洗用品、纸巾、厕纸(第三期提供厕纸)
- 清洁用品(房间和浴室),小型吸尘器
- 小型微波炉(700W以下),迷你冰箱(最大2安培/ 4立方英尺),咖啡壶
- 电视(小/中尺寸)
- 闹钟
- 急救箱,闪光灯,电池
- 电脑,打印机,电涌保护器
- 办公/学习用品,背包
- 小风扇、灯
- 服装(适合面试,演讲活动, & 招聘会)
- 洗衣袋或洗衣篮,衣架,洗涤剂
- 雨伞、雨具
- 处方,保险卡,家庭医生的电话号码
- 垃圾桶和衬垫
- 海报,图片,房间装饰,窗帘的拉杆
- 卡,多米诺骨牌 & 其他游戏
Pride Rock-XL Twin
iii期- xl Twin
ii期- xl Twin
- 武器(即使用于狩猎)
- 蜡烛,熏香,百香壶,油灯,烧蜡器,蜡烛加热器
- 多插头适配器
- 烟花
- 延长线
- 电热毯/空间加热器
- 电动平衡/悬浮板
- 电动滑板车(除非可以停在外面)
- 字符串灯
- 宠物(一个10加仑的水箱,允许放鱼)
- 电热板(其他带有外露加热元件的器具)
- 烤面包机,烤面包机烤箱,电饭煲,炖锅,炸锅
- 交通标志
- 无线路由器
- 毒品、酒精、吸毒用具、小酒杯等
- 卤素灯
- 大于2安培和/或4立方英尺的冰箱
- 700W以上的微波
- 非单杯咖啡壶和/或不能自动关闭的咖啡壶
- 未列出的任何其他类型的器具
Personal responsibility is one of the most important lessons that can be learned at college. All students are considered adults and will be treated accordingly by all University staff. 住宿生活与学习 will strive to connect students to the many resources available for a student to accomplish their goals. Students must take an active part in their academic and personal success by letting our staff know if they need assistance in a particular area.
如果学生有兴趣住在校园的另一个房间或建筑里, they are welcome to use the Room Swap function in the housing application until mid-August. 在那之后, the Waitlist opens in the myLeo housing portal and residents can put their name on one waitlist. If a spot becomes available in the desired hall, we will contact the student on the waitlist.
如果学生有室友或设施问题, they should contact their hall staff for assistance instead of using the waitlist to move.
尽管采取了预防措施以保证足够的安全, the University cannot assume responsibility for the loss of or damage (due to water leaks, 火, 盗窃, 等.)到学生财物. Students or their parents are encouraged to carry appropriate insurance to cover such losses. Residents are encouraged to keep doors closed and locked with the room key in their possession. Other suggestions for protecting valuables include having a lock box, engraving name, 等., 关于价值项目, 不把钱或珠宝放在外面, 并及时报告维护问题.
- 的一个&移动商务大学警察局定期在整个校园巡逻, 包括宿舍区域.
- The hall desk staff are available to assist residents 24 hours a day in the traditional-style halls and from 10am-10pm each day in the apartments.
- There are 火, 盗窃, weather and other procedures in place for the safety of the residents. These procedures are explained to the residents and are included in the Residence Life Handbook.
所有住房和膳食计划合同都适用于秋季和春季学期, 因此 students must submit a Contract Release Request if they wish to cancel the contract. 由于合同的性质, 大多数请求都被拒绝了, 因此, students should not make alternate plans to live off campus until they have received an approved request. The Contract Release Request can be found under Other Apps in the myLeo housing portal.
客人被定义为任何不住在同一指定空间的人. 这包括其他学生/住院医师,或非学生. 居民可以在指定的空间内接待客人, 并应遵循以下指南:
1. Hosts are responsible for the behavior of their guest(s) at all times and are obligated to inform their guest(s) of all University and 住宿生活与学习 社区 Standards. Violation of any policy/procedure by a guest may result in disciplinary action being taken against both the guest and host
2. 客人必须始终由主人陪同. This includes but is not limited to: entering and exiting the building; the usage of bathrooms (buildings with common area restrooms); as well as leaving guests along within residence hall. 发现没有主人的客人将被护送出大楼;
3. Overnight guests must secure the permission of the roommate within 72 hours prior to the guests’ arrival, and are only permitted to stay two consecutive or nonconsecutive days within a 15 day period.
4. 禁止同居. This includes but is not limited to: keeping clothing and other personal effects within the room, sleeping overnight in the assigned space on a regular basis and usage of the restroom facilities as if they resided within the room.
延长或暂停个人的探视权, 有正当理由,RLL可以颁发一层楼或整个宿舍.
是的,因为A&移动商务 is committed to its students and believes that it is responsible for the physical, 精神, 以及每个学生的情感健康, 大学要求全部单身, beginning undergraduate students living on campus are required to purchase a designated meal plan for first-year students for the full academic year. 然而, this policy only applies to students who are starting college the same year as their date of graduation from high school, 并且选择住在校园里. Second year students who live on campus are also required to choose from one of the two designated meal plans. 其他分类的膳食计划是可选的. 膳食计划出售整个学年(秋季和春季), 并且不能转让给其他学生.
A Commuter Authorization Request will be honored if a first year student is living with a parent or legal guardian within a 50 mile or less than one hour drive time from campus. The Commuter Authorization Request is located on the myLeo housing portal under Other Applications.
How do I get my service animal or emotional support animal approved to live in the halls?
Students with a service animal or emotional support animal are required to contact Student 残疾人服务 to get the animal approved before the animal is brought into the residence halls. 学生可以通过发电子邮件开始申请 (电子邮件保护).
- 住宿生活与学习
- 903.886.5797
- 903.886.5794
- (电子邮件保护)
- Halladay学生服务大楼100室
- 利街1809号. 商务,德克萨斯州75428
- P.O. 3011箱
- 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011